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JavaScript to grab email (fwd)

More privacy than security, but ...

PS It seems that you can't turn JavaScript off :-(

------- Forwarded Message

From: Jyri Kaljundi <jk@digit.ee>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: JavaScript to grab email
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 16:33:21 +0200 (EET)

Another annoying feature in JavaScript and Netscape. Have a look at

The page uses JavaScript to steal your e-mail address and sends a test
e-mail message to the address it grabbed. It works with Netscape, which
is probably only browser supporting JavaScript.

Probably there will soon be thousands of pages which include this code,
and people using Netscape 2.0 will be spammed with commercial messages.
So just put some false e-mail address in your Netscape browser to disable
this feature.

The script was developed and announced by Glenn Fleishman, moderator of
the Internet Marketing mailing list. Thanks for letting people know.

Jyri Kaljundi
Digiturg http://www.digit.ee/

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